
By Juleshki

Who is that man?

Another morning blip.
Just as chilly as yesterday and with me not dressed warmly enough for it. Caught out again.

Me and my camera had settled ourselves upon the narrow hump-backed bridge over the canal looking down upon a trio of bright and colourful barges, one with wisps of smoke rising up from it. My tripod was sitting patiently at my feet, in case it was required. All in all, a delightful scene ready and waiting to be blipped, although every so often I had to halt proceedings and breathe in to let vans and trucks pass. The bridge is not wide.

And then I caught sight of this gentleman out of the corner of my eye, just as he made a left turn away from me. I was quite taken with his baggage and matching hat.

I'm not quite sure which time period he is from, but he did look like he'd been dropped in the wrong place - this being rural Lancashire on a Friday morning.

And I know I should've shouted "Oi, got a mo?" and blipped him from all sides, but he was walking rather purposefully and I would've needed to break into a cantor to catch him up.

Any ideas as to his costuming?

One of the New Leeds Liverpool Canal Rural Vigilante group going for his break....?

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