
By greadyboy

Clapham Junction, 04:55

Hello! We're back! ScatteredPolaroids and I have been away for a week in Turkey. We would love it if you would look through our week's worth of backblips, we had a great time! Sorry if it gets a bit gushy, I haven't been on holiday for a couple of years.

Our flight got into Gatwick at 1.30am, however due to the time difference it felt like 3.30am. Tired faces. We then had to wait for three hours for our train. Time trundled by and the time came around to catch our train. Gatwick to Clapham junction, from one uncomfortable chair to another. On reaching Clapham junction we had to wait a further fifty minutes for our next train. From a uncomfortable chair to a freezing cold, dewey bench. The 05.35 to Weymouth soon crawled up and we rushed on to warm our bums.
Back in Winchester by 6.30am, taxi home, bed by 7am. Strange feeling.

Sleepy day. Miss Turkey, but it's good to be home, even if we do have to readjust to the temperature.

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