Reflections of oneself are not all that good

... especially if your hair looked the way mine did this morning. The first unusual thing about today was the fact that I was asleep til 7:30am, very nice thank you very much, oh I could get used to that.

The overnight guests had a great time, apparently child #2 ended up curled at the feet of the eldest visitor. These are defining moments of the children and their friendship. It is beautiful to watch them interact, laugh, prepare for playing for 2 hours only to find out they only have 15 minutes remaining to play, all good.

Multitude of tasks were done today, all unworthy of mention but significant as they are scored off a list.

Much tidying stil to be done.

The only benefit I could find with the bad weather were some of the beautiful things I saw, I only really had time to get one of them properly in a photo.


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