Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Magical musical day

Up early to do food shopping as both Rol and I had busy days - mine much more fun than his though as he had a family visit in the morning, and was working at Take5 this evening. Here's what my day consisted of:

- working on the banner for Norwich Pride which is looking amazing! Good job, as it's going to London on 2nd July for London Pride.

- voice workshop with a fab singer / teacher / voice coach called Jan Ponsford and learned a lot about technique and improvisation.

- catchup with friends before going on to an art exhibition opening. Luke from choir played his cello as background music. Neil (also from choir) is learning to play ukelele and wants me to learn with him (that'll be a laugh!).

- on to 50th birthday party with Luke, Shell and Di from choir. Andy and his partner Alex and several of their friends are musicians and it was lovely just to be able to sit around listening to them play and sing along.

I'd been asked to take photos of the banner-in-progress, the singing workshop and Andy's party (Alex is a fab photographer!) which was fun and I just relaxed into it and 'played' with my camera rather than feeling anxious and searching for perfection.

I think this shot kind of sums up today. It's Luke on cello and Alex on percussion.

Tired but happy, am off to bed now.

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