World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


Left Omaha today. It was so nice up there, the view from the place we were staying was amazing! Wish we had a view like that all the time and were that close to the beach. Took loads of pictures of the sea and cliffs, I may have exhausted it but they all look amazing. Makes me jealous, my view at our house in Auckland is of a road which leads onto another road.... Wish it was the beach or something, but I guess that's what you get for living in the city right?

The weekend was fantastic. I am so glad that our family is so close. We all get along and are happy to spend the weekend all as a family together. It's so awesome. Only downer was, because the adults tend to wake up quite a bit earlier then us we were woken up in the morning. As well as having our little cousins coming down to 'wake' us up. But we survived. There were 5 of us in one room, and I discovered how hard it is to try and sleep when 2 out of the 5 are pretty loud snorers. Even when we threw stuff and yelled at them, they kept on snoring... But it was still so much fun! Keen for the next family weekend! ;D

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