An Occasional Glimpse

By Wrenza

Father's Day

I'm lucky enough that my Father is still around for Father's day. Unfortunately he is fairly deaf and it's impossible to talk to him on the phone. I can hear him, he can't hear me at all. It has made for some interesting situations including one where he thought my mother in law was in hospital and was commiserating with me. This is exacerbated by his difficulty with picking up new things. He had brain surgery a few years back to (unsuccessfully) try to end his epilepsy. Since then his short term memory and ability to learn has suffered. This means a lot of new technology he finds very difficult to use. Fortunately one of the methods he can still use is texting. I've lived several hundred miles from my parents since I was married. I talk to my mother regularly, but I only get to talk to Dad 2 or 3 times a year when he can see me well enough to lip read. So Happy Father's Day Dad - see you in a couple of months when I can actually tell you properly.

Today is also sad for another reason. My husband is also several miles away. My son is on a Cub's walk where parents are invited. I'm not up to walking for 2/3 hours up and down hills and when I dropped him off it was clear that there were a lot of Father's spending their day with their children. I really feel for my lot on occasions like this. Luckily my son's best friend's dad has stepped in a little but it won't be the same.

Not a lot you can do on days like these but keep busy and eat cake.

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