
I took some of my favorite photos today for a friend who is starting a trading company with women at Comboni in Kajo-Keji county in South Sudan. However, this one made me laugh so hard I had to post it for today. Henceforth, Ryan Youngblood shall be known as the Lion King.

More on flickr for today.

Spent the hot, steamy morning at Comboni. The Sudanese women make scarves, skirts, jewelry, paper goods to sell. They work together as a group under the auspices of the local Catholic church.. I think. I'm not too sure of the details. (Someone, please feel free to tell me what they do since I missed the trip our group took there on Wednesday morning.) Caleb, another guy in our group, is working on getting the Sudanese women set up with selling their goods in the US. I hope he remembers at some point that there are four scarves in his box that I picked out: Aqua, green, brown, and pink. Reminder. And... I owe you $10.

We leave South Sudan for Entebbe, Uganda today. Uganda.. where paved roads actually exist. And the city is huge. And everything is in English. And no one waves and smiles at you when you pass by like they do in Sudan. I wanted to go back across the border immediately. But we got to stay at the Banana Village and go to the zoo (wildlife education center) to see the animals that are actually from Africa in Africa.
So sad to be leaving Kajo-Keji.

This trip has been amazing. Words cannot begin to do it justice. I have loved getting to know everyone on our team. I am going to miss them so much after tomorrow. Not ready to say goodbye. Community is a good thing. Walking alone is lonely.

And a happy birthday to my second biggest brother, Mike. I'll bring you a machete.
(Not really. I'm going to keep it. Don't rifle through my bag.)

Caleb and the chicken from the first day in South Sudan.

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