My Father

My father was a gentle-man,
Where love grew to impart.
And each one of his fellowmen,
Was wrapped around his heart.

He did not often drop his chin,
Or try at showing off.
Be-littling was not part of him,
He did not scold nor scoff.

My father was a Godly-man,
He knew that God was near.
When speaking of those sacred things,
He often dropped a tear.

He loved his children dearly,
And Mother...was a prize.
We never asked if it was true,
It told within his eyes.

I've often mused within my mind,
If his traits were from above.
For every act he let come out,
It was love.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Dedicated to my Father who passed on this day four years ago. When thinking of a token to represent my Dad...I first thought of glass balls. He was born and raised in Idaho and while raising us we lived in Hawaii where he and my mom would spend many - I imagine, wonderful - mornings combing the beach for glass balls. They'd bring their finds home and I've always thought they were so beautiful. This globe is a black pearl amongst the wet sage - that would be him.

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