Daunti's world

By daunti

Father's Day

My father and his companion...

It being father's day, it just seemed so appropriated to introduce and journal about my dad today. With my dad is his companion, Cedar. We lost my mom to heart disease when she was fourty six years old. Way too young too die, way too young for my dad to loose his first and only love. He has always had dogs in his life with my mom and since she has been gone. Sometimes I wonder why things happen the way they do, but they just do. It's called life. He is surrounded and loved by three daughters, one daughter-in-law, one son, three son-in-laws, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He is so loved.

What I love most about my dad is his strength. I love how he is so humble and lives such a simple life. I love that he has a kind heart and see's only the good in people. These things to me are what makes a man strong.

I am a girl who loves her dad so, so much and I am so, so grateful God has blessed me in being his daughter.

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