Progress Report! 55%!!

Dropped Spence off at daycare this morning and then Kaz and I drove to Traralgon for a day of renovating! Kaz got into the painting of the skirting and the door jams and my job was to put up the venetian blinds. Let's just say that I had a bit of trouble with the screws provided (well mostly provided) with the blinds and their inferior quality!

We got the blinds from Dodgy Brothers (not the company's real name but they were really cheap and off the internet!!) and some came without brackets, some without screws and the quality of the screw was very low!! I, at one point, wondered why on earth I had agreed to do this renovation in the first place!! I am hoping that my reduced emotional mental state is due to me being pregnant, but we have to wait to find that out in another nine days!!

By 4pm, Kaz had finished all the skirtings and nearly all the door jams and I had put up all the blinds that I could!! We have to wait for more brackets to hopefully be posted to us from the company in Western Australia before I can put the last two up!

We picked up Spence from daycare, did the food shopping and are now cooking tea! Chicken parmigiana - yum!! Kaz has updated the renovation spreadsheet and we are 55% complete!!! We still have 5 1/2 weeks (out of our original 10) to go before my month off so we are on track!!

Here is a photo of the lounge room with the all the painting done and the blinds up!! The carpet is still be put down on the floor (it's the roll in the middle of floor at the moment with a drop sheet on it), some floating floorboards in the entrance way and the fire place blocked off, but it looks pretty good!

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