Under the table

The summer has almost passed us by without having strangled us, the way it did last year. Today at the table my colleague I play with was having a slow day. Spent some time talking to a friend who prides himself on being a good listener. A security guard in our office, who I know by face and exchange the occasional "hello" with came up for some advice about a work related problem. There are so many people who have it tough.

The traffic while returning was particularly sluggish, with large trucks and cranes blowing massive amounts of dust and slowing lanes. The atmosphere seemed somewhat volatile and it wasn't surprising when I saw a couple of motor-cyclists almost coming to blows with one another and a small tunnel that passes under the expressway clogged to an absolute standstill. When I came home, I squished myself into a little corner of this chair and took the shot. Nadal plays as I type this. And the grass is green.

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