hello again

By admirer


A much better start of the day than yesterday. Suitable to make a detour on my way to the baker. On the thicket of blackberry a lot of white butterflies, some would sit for a while, other fly and follow each other, dancing in the air.
Butterfly for blip to-day.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I set out to search where the Eisenbahnerheimer horses were landed. Some direction was given to us, go the "Frau Hölle Weg" and you find them in a meadow higher up.
We followed the fairy tale path a very long way and as after some time we came in the forest, we thought we were at the wrong path, but we continued our way, it was a nice path and the soft rain did not bother us there. At some point we left the path, there was no good reason to follow it further, straight down the hill we went and came at another path where we saw in the distance three horses in a field. Could one of them be Paule, we thought.
They were too far to know for sure. Happily we found a way to come near them and to our surprise they were Paule, Lucky and Merlin. In their summer-residence! They listened to their names, clever horses, and came to us and ate their carrots.
On the way back along the Weser we tried to establish if our success was due to intuition (zen experience) or simply coïncidence.

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