mad, manic mondays...

Hard to believe that it has been rush, rush, rush all day when I look at this shot - in years to come unless I read what I wrote, I will think that my life existed as one soft focussed calmness!

In REALITY this was while I was attempting to get Sienna ready for bed and she discovered the duvet lying on the floor that I haven't yet put back into storage since the family left and my summer hat that fell out of the closet while I was trying to put that duvet away and so decided that hat wearing, duvet jumping in the buff was just the sort of activity that was needed at 9pm! Phew!

I would also like to record (forever?!) Sienna's comments after visiting her prospective school this morning for starting in September:

"I don't want to go there as I don't want go to school with Harry Potter."
Of course I said "Harry Potter doesn't go to that school" and to which she replied
"Oh but I think he does - I saw his boat there."

Explain that to me someone???!!!

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