accidental awesome

By alexamato

Berlin Backblip No1

Today was pretty quiet as we weren't leaving for Berlin until 7pm, so most of the day was spent online looking at what we wanted to look at when we got there. Cait's been before, so it was mostly for me to set a plan for the next couple of days.

The flight went smoothly enough, and got into Berlin at about 10pm. So it's Saturday night, late, and we had to figure out how to get to our hostel. The plan was pretty much get there and get to bed. But thing's aren't always that easy.

Cait and I have learned one inevitable truth whenever we travel: Things will be made as difficult as possible. Machines won't work, we'll be out of cash, we'll get lost multiple times, etc etc.

Saturday night was no different as we figured, "Oh, S-Bahn 9 straight from the airport to Landsberger Allee, looks easy enough."

Fast forward through a couple of hours of being on the right train, then suddenly the train goes back the wrong direction, to getting to the right station, to realising no trains were running where we needed to go, to having to find some random bus stop in the dark under an overpass, to then finally getting to our place.

It's almost midnight, we've just checked in, we're starving, and there's a chippy-type place around the corner. So I got this photo from outside of Generator while we sat on a curb and snacked on some junk food. Phew.

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