Shake,Rattle, Roll

The longest night and the shortest day, this day.
And yes it was a really long night, where we were awake most of the night.
Another horrendous earthquake came through just before I was going to bed. Threw the power out - but fortunately only for about 45 minutes.
Shakes contined all through the night which meant no sleep.
And then about 4.45 am, when another shake was happening there were all these flashing lights ouside our house.
Jumped out of bed to have a look, in PJ's and bare feet - grabbed my camera and saw this house moving out of the street.
Damm - no CD card in camera - rush back inside, grab that - no time to look at settings, and got the house just as it turned the corner into the manin road, where people were holding the power and phone lines up. It is very clever how they can manoevre their trucks with big loads.
While I am up thought I would check the interent to find out about the earthquakes - No Interent!!! Horrors Horrors!
So this morning I have been ringing telcom to see if I can be up and running again.
I find that very stressfull - as I am never sure about what I am doing with all these cords etc - but eureka we got it going again.

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