Mediterranean Wanderer

By monkeyhanger

A little colour in an otherwise dull day.

I went for a well earned blip and got very wet trudging around Edinburgh in what seemed an endless downpour. Didn't get my trusty camera out of my backpack for over 2 hours.

I gave up and was waiting for a bus in a very crowded shelter, when there was a sudden gap in the clouds that let the sun burst through. I was off with a spring in my step and knew just where to go.

I arrived at Bruntsfield links with just enough time to shoot off a few images before the clouds closed up again. Of these I liked this the most.

I hope you like it.

P.S. For info, my mum is doing fantastic. She doesn't have to go back to the hospital anymore and is starting to build up her strength again. Thanks for all the kind messages.

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