This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Sad day...

I just saw Tim for the last time before he leaves tomorrow. It's hard to believe that he will be moving tomorrow and that we will be apart for a year. I know for a fact that the for a while it will be hard but it's for the best and that I will be there right beside him in a year.

I'm not one to say goodbye so I told him that I would see him soon no matter who far off soon is.

10:36 a.m.
We have rain again today.

Love hurts but everyday will be better. I'm going to Croton pond for the day tomorrow and then work on Saturday.

Today will be filled with ups and downs but I will be okay and tomorrow it will be a bit more okay with more ups and downs and that is how it will be everyday for a year but I'm going to make it.

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