Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

174 / 365 - A years syllabus to learn in one day.

Very screwed.

However I'm feeling really calm. I've never really cared for the subject of English. I never even wanted to take it as an A Level in the first place 2 years ago but was threatened that I would not get a place in the college without at least one academic subject on my timetable.

Photography work has really taken off and is going so well, in fact I have another 3 shoots booked next week and I've been doing that work all the time and English revision has always been the sacrifice.

Dance Theory however is something I really care about and enjoy and actually wanted to do well in to hopefully get an A so I put everything into that exam...I used to enjoy the practice essays! It was so interesting... but right now all I want to do for this English exam is get it out of the way, no matter how well or badly and just get on with earning a living which I have been taught is the most important thing.

E-5 Pop Art Filter

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