Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Elvis Returns

Elvis and Buddy saw Paul and Ringo on the stage and thought about making a bit of history.

Just got Silver Efex Pro 2 last night, have toys - will play. It's rather damn clever and I can now see where it has been used to great effect by fellow Blippers. For those that don't know; it's a black and white filter for Photoshop. You start with a choice of 38 pre-set styles all of which are adjustable (and this is one of them) just click on one and hey presto - art. You could be seeing some experimentation in B&W in the near future.

Today is Saint Hans Eve and that means Danish "Bonfire Night". No fireworks (that they do big style on New Years Eve) but there are bonfires in most parks and large gardens where they will all be burning a witch like our (the UK's) Guy Fawkes. Not quite sure what the story is but then neither do any of the Danes I asked, so it's just a good excuse for beer, bonfire and BBQ. Here in our local park (Enghave) there is a party sponsered by the weird lefty political party Enhedslisten. The music was great, a bit Jim Morrison meets Pink Floyd, no idea who they were but Elvis they were not.

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