Eye Roadtrip

By yadahfourie

Gentle Giant

1. Elephants have 2-3cm thick skin and cannt feel anything on their skin, they therefore have hair covering them with which they feel.

2. Elephants are color blind and see in black and white.

3. Elephants have 6 sets of teeth in their lifetime, each set lasting 10years.

4. Elephants carry their babies for 2 years before giving birth.

5. Elephants eat 300-350kg trees and leaves per day.

6. Elephants communicate by trumpeting but only use this method when they are scared, excited or angry i.e. it is the equivilant to a human shouting. They also use the rumbleling of their stomach and sending vibrations down their legs into the ground and (this can travel up to 15km) to communicate.

7. Elephants can run at a top speed of 45km/h

8. There are only two types of elephants in the world, The African Elephant and the Indian Elephant.

9. Elephants only mate every 5-6 years.


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