
By Fi

The wind in my hair

Unusual to have a day off during the week, but the Corpus Christi holiday is celebrated on the designated Thursday in Poland, instead of being pushed back to the Sunday, as apparently happens in other countries that mark it. Who am I to argue? It meant I could get to an 11am Zumba class! Unusual too that the class would run, with most things shut for the day, because a public holiday here means that things are closed. Back to work tomorrow though, I'm not one of the lucky ones who plumped for a bridging day's leave.

Talking of bridging. This was taken at about the half-way mark of my 21.7km bike ride, with blue skies and bright sunshine defying the forecast of rain and misery. I had crossed the orange bridge, south of the city, or to give it's correct name, Most Siekierkowsi. Lush day, with Mr Federer on the box to top it off!

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