through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Had my second heartbreak of the year these past 3 months. Took me the longest time to cope with it, to heal from it, to learn what it really means to let go.

He wanted to talk to me yesterday so we met up.

It was still painful to see him, even though we only prayed about it and never went into a relationship but... for the first time, I fell in love. As much as I didn't want to admit it, considering the fears, questions, and how this all didn't end happily ever after, I finally was able to feel what the romantic movies meant, or what people say when they say the butterflies in your stomach, or your heart skips a beat.

It all started here when we both decided to pray about it. I already liked him for two months when he told me of his feelings the day before this blip. It's definitely been a roller coaster.

The hurt from yesterday...was a hurt I needed. Because now, I'm finally letting go.

Walked back to my apartment crying and this stranger saw me and asked me if i was okay. was so embarrassing. It felt like such a drama, with the rain pouring down, my little umbrella trying its best to shield me, and my ipod playing these piano songs ("When Five Fell" soundtrack; LISTEN TO IT!). I think when I'm over this whole thing, I'll definitely laugh at yesterday looking back. Such a drama queen!

My roommates definitely knew how to comfort me. When I was lying on my bed crying, one of them jumped on me and said "Didn't know you came back! Why didn't you tell me! hahahaha" and they both started tickling me. Who needs boys when you have these girls?? Hahaha...

But God, thank you for being patient with me these 5 months. Thank you for putting him in my life even though now, it's never going to be the same again. Thank you for teaching me this lesson and helping me step out of it. Thank you for never breaking your promises and loving me.

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