Ruins & sky

Up like the lark this morning with the sun streaming through the window, it was lovely to see the day. The sun was lovely and warm today while you were in it, but pretty chilly in the shade

A very busy morning with the shopping and the dog walking done by midday as out for lunch for Al's 50th birthday (x husband and father of Gary and Paul).

A great meal at Cornist Hall, gorgeous food as much as you could eat and reasonably priced too. Great to catch up with everyone too. It's brilliant that Al and I are genuinely good friends, and Mike gets on well with him and I love Lu, Al's wife to bits. Gary, Natalie and Ellis came too so a great day had by all. Paul is still in Cyprus, but he sent his love we hope to see him very soon.

I'm into sky very much at the moment the way the clouds form, colour etc so the couple of pics I've taken today have had some good cloud that I've had a play with.

Weekend over guys, I hope you have had a good one. J x

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