Planko's Pics

By planko


Thistles aren't always prickly, but i certainly am if you try and read the riot act to me without any authority or knowing the facts!

Took this tonight at the blip goldmine. Havent been there for a while, and i doubt ill be back; was in the middle of taking some shots when some woman shouted at us (Pesky Princess was with me) asking what i was doing and that I'd better not think about breaking into the place. That really made me laugh out loud, which i don't think she appreciated. I then pointed out that only a fool would stand by the side of a field some distance from buildings with his daughter, over a grands worth of photography equipment in broad daylight, and park his car on the road if he were a burglar intent on stealing some bricks or pigeon poo from some dilapidated buildings.

She then started dribbling on about health and safely, so i turned the cards and started asking the questions, was she the farmers wife, "no," or an employee, "no", or paid to look after the place "no", right - so your a member of the general public then, like me.

"How would you like it if someone was in your back garden". Is this a house I asked "No", exactly, so what's the harm in taking a few pictures?

She definitely didn't know what to say when i started quoting the Land Reform Scotland act (2003) or the Scottish Outdoor Access Code which cover right of access.

I was firm, but as polite as i could be whilst stating facts, including that i was just leaving anyway ;)

(had to pick up Mrs P)


I'm absolutely delighted that my umberella shot earlier this week was chosen as one of the BlipBlog featured shots this week. Thankyou to everyone who has visited and left kind comments., and thank to the folks at blipcentral for choosing it. I definitely have to drop some produce from the polytunnel in this summer and say hello!

It means a lot to me that people like some of my shots. I started doing blip to get better at taking shots, and am really really pleased that someone actually likes something i've taken.


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