It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Grr Grrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrr........hee hee!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I have had the BEST walks today.

This morning I went to the woods again with the lovely pugs again. We had such a good time. We met LOADS of other doggies whilst we were there and I was a REALLY good girl, coming back to mum pretty much everytime she asked! I LOVE going back to mum because she always has YUMMY chicken in her pocket now. It is really worth behaving myself for once ;-)

This afternoon I met up with my puppy like me friend Daisy. She is EXACTLY the same as me, she is black, she is bouncy, she LOVES food, she loves to play and boss me around, she gets into mischief but do you know what?....she HATES water!!! Can you believe it?? A labrador that hates water! Mum threw the ball into the river for me to show off my swimming skills to her and she got really upset. She stood on the edge crying at me to get out! Her mum said that when she was littlier she fell into the river by mistake and got quite a fright, she has never been back in since, not even a puddle!

I am hoping that if we meet her more often we can show her how much fun it is and she might like to give it a try.

We fight a lot when we are walking. I LOVE it, this is a picture of us having a good old rough and tumble. I ended up covered in her drool! I had a big stripe across my nose like adam ant but nobody told me, I must have looked very silly to all the other doggies we met!

I also showed Daisy my woofing, I saw a old barrell under a tree and I really didn't like the look of it. I stood there woofing at it until everyone had safely walked past. Then I gave it an extra woof and a stare before I ran off after them. That showed him huh?!

Mum and Daddy went out and left me earlier. They went out for something to eat without taking dare they! Since they got back I have been double trouble to get their attention. I have shredded a bit more of monkey and also shredded a bit of daddy's magazine and a tissue I found. Hee hee!

I am VERY excited about tomorrow. We are going to see Granny, Grampy, Aunty Beth and Uncle Shaun. Yipppeeeeee :-) I better go and get some sleep.......

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Thank you sooooo much for all your advice about Daisy the cat yesterday. It really helped to share my problem and we made spotlight page again :-) xxx

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