Thistle Down

By Ethel

My Brother

We have so many treasures,
In one way or another.
But the one that comes out topper-most,
Is to have a real-live brother.

One with twinkles in his eyes,
And is a joy to have around.
Who measures up to every task,
And in his relationship...he is bound.

Who never adds to my dismay,
Nor makes me less than he.
Who thinks that girls are very nice,
And in most cases...we agree.

We join our interests everyday,
We never pull apart.
His tricks on me are just for laughs,
So he can show...his smarts.

I'm telling's wonderful,
In one way or another.
To have upon our family-tree,
A kind and loving brother.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

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