almost certainly

Although I'd like to be able to finally get used to using a trackpad it's going to be a lot quicker in the short run to just use a normal mouse despite the scraping noise on the table and the mild extrafaff. However, although the mouse was obviously blue-lit I didn't realise that most of the laptop's lights were also blue and almost exactly the same shade thereof. Nor when I got an extra extermal HDD did the product specifications state "WARNING! Matching blue LED on casing". Inadvertent matching is a somewhat unpleasant feeling which I also get when I find myself out for limited-time not-bother-to-change-into-normal-clothes lunchwalk when wearing my blue shirt and then realise that I'm wearing a blue shirt and brown shoes and have a brown camera bag with blue trim over my shoulder. It's probably not the sort of thing anyone like me would notice other people doing but I'd hate any of the sort of people who notice that sort of thing and ensure that they themselves are chromatically properly accessoried thinking that I've done it deliberately. That's why it's always safest to change into normal clothes before heading out at lunchtime. (There are also important safety reasons; if I'd stepped on the trick paving stone I stepped on this evening when on a lunchwalk wearing office-clothes I'd have had to wander around with soggy-cuffed trousers whereas by changing into shorts such things result in damp legs which are easily wiped clean and dry with a simple handkerchief.) When wearing my summer sun-hat I have to try and take care not to wear two other brown items at the same time - shorts and T-shirt both of a similar but certainly not matched brown would be OK but to add a third (though still different) brown item suddenly makes the whole thing an ensemble and I certainly wouldn't like to be mistaken for someone who costumes themselves so.

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