Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Don't Let Those Tatoos Mislead

Matt is a big Teddy Bear and he enjoyed Milking Crystal. Alissa and Matt both got into milking by hand. Sadie is such a Love Bug she ate up all the attention.

Yesterday with the temps over 90 now I bathed and clipped Sadie. She is so much more soft and comfortable.

For those that notice her left rear foot, it's deformed from an accident when she was a baby. Apparently she got hung up in a hay feeder as a kid and was really torn up. We reshaped some yesterday to try to get her more on her toes. The previous owner used a grinder, I used clippers and a dremmel. She was walking better.

For those who asked about Alissa, she is my Foster Daughter. I used to give her riding lessons from age 14 on, she is now 25 and married. They have been together for 7 years but still newlyweds. Quite an honor to have them take their 2nd honeymoon out here to visit.

Tomorrow is Brin's (My 19 yr old) engagement party so lots of blip opps.

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