Photo Booth 5c

By KryptoMart

Fwoar corespondent

Oh I know, that sounds sexist, but I just needed a pun! Though I love her husky voice.

Here's BBC Defence Correspondent Caroline Wyatt in Edinburgh for Armed Forces Day, getting ready for her close-up. See her on tonight's News!

The event was fun, though I missed lots of it as I was working on the paper from 7am. Popped out for a Starbucks and saw a bunch of Orange folk taking King Billy out for a wee march and a tootle. Bless.

I joined EdiSteve after 1pm for a nice wander around the showground in Holyrood Park He got a great Blip but the iPhone app doesn't let me link. Boo. Do go see.

Anyway, well done Forces Folk!

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