From the Bay to NY

By ejeng

This ain't no Pitkin Avenue.

The beloved Pitkin Avenue, made famous by Tony Danza in his brilliant 1980s sitcom "Who's the Boss?" is not pictured here. Sorry about that. Instead of traveling to East New York, a friend and I strolled around Williamsburg in the New York borough of Brooklyn.

It was my first time to Williamsburg, popularly and (not so) affectionately referred to as the hipster capital of NYC. Gentrification of the Lower East Side, East Village, and SoHo neighborhoods of Manhattan have pushed the artsy population who popularized and culturized these neighborhoods out, in favor of residents willing to foot higher rents. As a result, Williamsburg is the new center of artistic movement. But its status as such is threatened by real estate developers who have recognized the popularity of Williamsburg amongst artists and want to capitalize on their creativity, similarly to what they've done in Manhattan.

There were a bunch of great pics that represented my trip to Billysburg. In the name of gentrification, I opted for this one. An empty lot with a residential high rise looming in the background. The juxtaposition of the two really screams "Gentrification!".

To twist Jack Johnson's lyrics around, Where will all the poor people go?

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