
By HKing

Koh Phangan

The family took me out for a lovely Thai meal to say goodbye. It was at this amazing restaurant called Koh Phangan. It has lights and palm trees and everything. It was loads of fun and the food was amazing.
They also gave me a present which I wasn't expecting! It was an awesome pair of Swedish wooden clogs! I love them, they're so Swedish looking.
Then after the meal, I went to meet Ramona. We went to Baba Sonic and Sthlm Indie for the last time. It was sad, we've had lots of fun nights out at both places :(

Also, the photo couldn't be worse technically... But yeah, it was so dark and I didn't take many others. This is Johanna with her mango shake. We also tried a banana one and a coconut one, they were so good.

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