Journey Through Time

By Sue

Beauty and the Beast

There are two yards within close walking distance from me who have lovely roses in the summer. Today I walked over to one of them and had fun snapping photos of the roses, which are really, finally, in their glory. The homeowners lined these roses all out by the street, so it is perfect for me and anyone else to walk by and smell the roses. Or take photos, as the case may be. This rose had this fairly decent sized spider on it and I swear it was tracking me. I took several shots and it moved when I moved, "looking" right at me. I told it..don't you dare jump on me! This was the last image and the one I liked the best.

Garage sale went fine, netted a grand total of $102.50 for a days work. Well, minus the brief setting up and the repacking. But, still...considering this was a much smaller sale than we have had in the past, we are happy with it. Bill sold a bunch of stuff that was taking up space in the garage, and it was a relief to get rid of it.

We had dinner and then he opened his presents...a bunch of new clothes...and a garden hat. We watched a movie that we all enjoyed. The Adjustment Bureau with Matt Damon. It was actually a very sweet movie, and even though it was a "Sci-Fi" type theme, it was a love story.

So, household chores, trip to local mall to get library book (we have a small branch that keeps mall hours), and perhaps a walk later on.

It's a lovely, warm day today. Don't worry my Kiwi friends, we are taking good care of the sun and will send it back to you in due time....;)

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