Nothin' to do...

...but sit in the shade eating ice cream and teach your little brother how to blow fluffy little dandelion seeds into the breeze.

Summer has come...rejoice...but rejoice quickly 'cause I'm betting it won't last!

But for today, ice creams and paddling pools were on the agenda.

Went to see Elton John in Northampton last night. My boss took the whole practice and some of our closest professional colleagues.

Reviews were mixed. Some felt he didn't interact with audience enough; others that it was all bit predictable...others thought the food in hospitality was naff. Me? I didn't care. I had a wonderful evening. I got to have dinner with friends and colleagues and laugh my socks off; meet a couple of new people, who turned out to be utterly delightful; listen to some terrific music with about 10000 other people in a fab atmosphere and I got to go the after show party. I didn't have to pause to wipe noses, change nappies, discuss the relative merits of Bakugans and why X is the meanest girl in the school, or put someone back to bed umpteen times because they're hot / thirsty / scared / bored etc...frankly they could have fed me spam and played some Elton LPs and I'd have been as happy as Larry! I'm *that* easily pleased nowadays.

But I really did think it was a great evening and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Special mention goes to the girl in the pink light-up bunny ears, two rows in front of us. who was 'in the moment' all evening. She screamed, she danced, she blew kisses...she lifted her skirt and hoiked her tights up periodically...she even had spare bunny ears for the man in the row behind her. I'm betting she has Elton posters on her bedroom wall :-) Concerts are so great for people-watching.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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