live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

The shy one

the cutest one at my tax course class.
and the quiet one.
because of all that, me and my friends like to tease him :))
yes I know, tax course is the place to learn about tax, but we must make the course to be fun for not too serious and boring, and my friends have done it all,
so today was another fun time at my tax course class.
and ahem...suddenly i got a message from Mr. Y who i haven't met him for long time. he messaged me to invite me to dinner with him.. uhuuuyyy cihhuuyy... he was someone i liked in the past, and he liked me too. have not seen and heard about him, he suddenly appeared and invited me to dinner with him. very very happy saturday. oh i really like this day. :)

Hope your saturday was a great one!

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