Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Foul Tools

While clearing all sorts of junk and overgrowth from a back yard bit by bit, I finally got to this tool chest. American mechanics usually take on a fierce brand loyalty, and a few tool companies offer very comprehensive services and product lines. A secure red tool chest like this is an inevitable sight in every repair shop. However, this tool set was a cheap imitation of the tradition from the moment of its creation. Many of the wrenches are rusted, whereas good wrenches never rust, even after soaking in water for years. I went through the chest mostly for curiosity. It was brought into the yard several years ago from the curbside just in case anything in it might be useful, but nothing was. The mechanic who once owned these tools was not a "mechanic for life," nor were both his grandfathers mechanics in their day. That's why his tool collection cost him only a week's pay, rather than enough to raise his two favorite children all the way to adulthood. By Wednesday all this will be back on the curb, unless I save a few pieces for a hanging mobile.

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