
20months + 7

It's been one of those days where you expect it to be a bit of an effort, possibly a nightmare. But turned out to be really quite great. We had H&A today, quite early. I turned up and both boys were up already (it wasnt even 7am). I suspected then it wouldnt be great! However they all three have been brilliant all day. They ate a HUGE breakfast (2 varieties of cereal, 5 slices of toast and 2 bananas between them!) before we went out to toddlers.

They all played well at toddlers, lots of time with the playdoh, quite a lot of time with the dolls, by all of them! We then came home for lunch a bit early as it was rather hot in the room. We (Sarah is still staying with us) put them all in the car and the three of them were fast asleep before very long.

After their sleeps, we went swimming. It was fabulous. The pool was empty, bar one girl, although there were lessons going on in the bottom third of the pool. The children had a great time swimming - Katie in her arm bands for most of it, Aiden bobbing around in a chair, and Harrison in his little floatie vest. Katie had a blast "surfing" on the bodyboards. Only problem was she could see her swimming teacher and kept shouting her. After the second preschool class, she came and said hello. She then invited us to join her baby class. Katie was made up! She kept swimming over to teacher-Sarah to say hello, play ball and have a hug. She was helping her get things from the crate and pass them to the babies, and was very proud of herself!

We arrived to drop the boys off with their grandparents and saw the Cousins, so Katie got lots of cuddles and a play for a while. The perfect end to a great day!

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