My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Return to Laziness

I slept in until 10.30 this morning, then had coffee but couldn't be bothered with breakfast so I just waited until lunchtime to eat, which left me a bit shaky so I'm thinking for future reference that's not such a good idea.

All I've done today is email, facebook, sort out old receipts, play some piano, read my Bible, write a letter, eat, and sleep. And I'm about to watch one of these DVDs with my sister. (I'm guessing it'll be Pinocchio, because that's the one she wants to watch and she usually gets her way!) It feels very strange after 10 days pretty much non-stop doing one thing or another to be able to just chill again; but after today I only have four days then I'll be out and about for another fortnight!

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