rob the ritch

By robtherich


This is the 22 at the gyle shopping centre[mall].It's on it's way to leith where
the ROYAL BRITTANIA ship is bertht.Built on the clyde.The 22 is the only bus route that has room for wheel chairs,childrens buggys,and the eldery.A ramp comes out the front to the pavement for wheel chairs.When I was just about ten I came out of hospital with a big plaster from under my arms to top of my legs .That ment Ihad to go in a wheel chair when going out.We were given a w/chair by the hospital my dad worked for .We had a house in the grounds.Thy then told us we could only go about a mile from the door.Not up town.That would'nt happen today but it just showes how much has changed.People in wheel chairs can go round the world.
Fairs cost on the bus ------£1=30p any distance 70 p child £3=20p all day any distance I get free being over sixty.There is a new ticket for £25 adult,that takes you from the airport.It last three days ,covers all bus transport in the city[including opentop] then back to the airport.THY are run by edinburgh council.

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