
By middleman


One of those days - back and forth, back and forth...

Decent trip out in the evening to take some photos. Just me, the ipod and some sounds from a band who were actually playing live elsewhere in town tonight. I wasn't sure if I liked them at first, and some of their earlier stuff is a little Belle & Seb*****n-like (see, I can't even type it) which would normally have me running for the hills, but they've really grown on me over the last few years. I used to work for the same music retail company as the lead singer and he used to write me CD/record reviews for the website pages that I managed. Except nobody told me that he was in a band and I never really put the two and two together. Pity, I would have let him know that he's got quite a knack for songwriting and a fine ear for a tune.

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