Ina's Snippets

By ina

~ Astonishment! ~

"The end of childhood is when things cease to astonish us.
When the world seems familiar,
when one has got used to existence,
one has become an adult."

~ Eugene Ionesco ~


Thank you for all the wonderful comments yesterday! Our internet was down most of yesterday and only came on today... I will reply to every comment tonight!

I blipped the Egyptian geese while waiting for hubby to come home. He left work early to go to the doctor. Almost a year ago, 25 April 2007, the doctor removed a tumor as big as his fist! from his bladder and the tests showed that it was cancer. They removed most of it and he had to go back a few times to make sure that he was 'clean'. Lucky for him, the cancer attached itself to the bladder wall and it was removed before it could go through the wall - if this happens, they must remove the entire bladder :(

He went for check-ups every 3 months after that, and everytime they found new cancer growth, but not in the same spot. It seems to 'jump around' on the bladder wall. He started immune therapy today and the treatment will be over a period of 6 weeks, every Tuesday. After each treatment he must lie on his back for 2hours.

Wherever this road takes us... we will walk it together. And if it gets too much for him, I will 'put him on my back' and carry him for as long as he needs it :)


10 Lessons from trees:

Lesson 8:
- Avoid people who would like to cut you down.

Lesson 1 * Lesson 2 * Lesson 3 * Lesson 4 *
Lesson 5 * Lesson 6 * Lesson 7 *

Thanks for your visit :))

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