Life Naturally

By lifenaturally


An attack duck - some strange blend of Muscovy and...? Definitely not the sweet ducklings we've been enjoying on blipfoto lately.

I'm sitting peacefully on the porch this morning in my nightgown, with my tea when this large duck comes waddling into view from the opposite direction from the lake. It's early and the neighbors aren't up yet, so nightie or not (it's really pretty modest) I grab my camera and hustle outside to see if I can catch him.

I took several shots in a most non-threatening way, but suddenly the duck turned on me hissing and spitting, flapping his wings toward my ankles. and gave me this evil eye (which shows nicely in the photo, don't you think?) Needless to say, I returned to the safety of the porch PDQ.....

Later edit.... do believe I'm all caught up on commenting each of your subscriptions - might be a first ;-0

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