Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Help for Heroes

Meet Bam Bam the party man, helping to hold things together and provide his own inimitable brand of humour at today's fund raising event in aid of Help for Heroes in Christopher Martin Road, Basildon.

'Help for Heroes was founded by Bryn and Emma Parry in October 2007 out of a desire to help the wounded Servicemen and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. The message of the charity is simple: We are strictly non political and non critical; we simply want to help. We believe that anyone who volunteers to serve in time of war, knowing that they may risk all, is a hero. These are ordinary people doing extraordinary things and some of them are living with the consequences of their service for life. We may not be able to prevent our soldiers from being wounded, but together we can help them get better.'

We were happy to contribute to the cause and to boot we managed to avoid the thunderstorms and rain!!

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