Life of Riley

By jenceng

Security incident

Took my camera to work with me today for two reasons:-
a) To photograph the beautiful baby moorhens
b) For my friend James who really wants to own an SLR again (he denies he asked me to bring my camera in and now claims I was just showing off! haha, it's only because you want one more now James!)

I nipped out briefly at lunchtime to see what was around the ponds and stream that make up the grounds at work. I found the baby moorhens, but they didn't want to be photographed.
Whilst waiting patiently for them to build up the courage to have their photo taken, I crouched down low and took some photos of the Dragonflies and Damselflies (there were so many to choose from!). Pleased with what I had achieved in the short time I had, I started my walk back to the office.

On my way back, the security guard called me over:
"Excuse me?!"
"Do you work here?"
"Yes?" *a little puzzled with my security card hanging around my neck?*
"It's just that someone told me there was a person out here taking photographs"

I was even more confused now as moments earlier I had been crouched down (in a very non work way) leaning over a pond nowhere near the buildings?
Realising I was only interested in wildlife he proceeded to ask me what I thought of the improved grounds? lol
I think this photo is of the Azure Damselfly.

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