
By andrewmowat

Isra and Mi'raj

The Isra and Mi'raj, are the two parts of a Night Journey that, according to Islamic tradition, the Islamic prophet Muhammad took during a single night around the year 621. It has been described as both a physical and spiritual journey. A brief sketch of the story is in sura (chapter) 17 Al-Isra of the Qur'an, and other details come from the Hadith, supplemental writings about the life of Muhammad. In the journey, Muhammad travels on the steed Buraq to "the farthest mosque" where he leads other prophets in prayer. He then ascends to heaven where he speaks to God, who gives Muhammad instructions to take back to the faithful on Earth about the number of times to offer prayers each day.
According to traditions, the Journey is associated with the Lailat al Miraj, as one of the most significant events in the Islamic calendar.

From Wikipedia

Anyway it's my first paid public holiday for a long time. Pool, beer and BBQ later with friends

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