Views of my world

By rosamund


We are going to carradale in the morning. I need to remember to take this picture. My mum made it year's ago and it has always hung in mine or freya's bedroom but my aunt is borrowing it for the carradale flower show. Carradale is a very special place for my family so although we will miss the old owl and pussycat while they are away we know they will have an appreciative audience.

Made great headway warping Bertha today. Followed the instructions to the letter, was amazed how much I did wrong last time!

Couldn't resist another project, it's my first crochet pattern in gorgeous sweetie summer shades of cotton. It will be nice to have something which is easy to pick up and put down.

My uncle has built a snazzy new house in carradale, expect it will have wifi so should be able to blip as normal.

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