Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

WOT? No oysters...

I'll have to make do with wurrums.
I could really fancy emigrating just now.
If you want to travel from the South/West of town to the North/East it's necessary to leave town going South, travel east along the A66 and enter town from the south along the A6.
OR go 4 miles North, up the motorway, enter from the north and struggle to your destination.
Things were further complicated yesterday by a "2 Pump shout" to an R.T.A. on a roundabout which forms part of the detour. Score 2 Fire appliances, 2-4 coppers' carts, at least one ambulance.
Today was slightly better in that there wasn't an accident, but we were forced into a 1/2mile 10-15 min queueueueueue through a local trading Estate. It would have been VASTLY faster to leave town travel mile or so, then down "Mile lane" and back in on the "Clickety click" (A66).
Must try and check distance to the "Carry-out" tomorrow.

Sick as a flock of flaming parrots.

BTW The Oyster catcher was foraging beside the road as we chugged along in the queueueueueueue.

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