Am I still naked....

...if I'm clothed in darkness?

Edit: apparantly, yes. A week after it was posted and received a couple of favourites, someone decided that I was still naked and the blip was removed. If you would like to see the original, it's here.

When I reached my 365th blip, I mentioned that my style of photography was heading in a direction that might not be suited to blip. One of the comments I received in response was to post them and let you decide. So this is me, doing that.

However, I've been thinking about a lot of things recently and I've decided that I need a break from blip. It's a truly wonderful community and has helped my photography no end, but to me, the site is becoming more like Facebook and less like a photography site and that's not what I'm looking for.

Anyway, I'm off next week (not going away, just puttering around at home) and won't be posting during that time. I'll take photos and might back blip them, if/when I come back. I may well miss blip too much and come back properly or just come back when I've something to blip (like a film blip :-)

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