Pob's World

By Pobsworld


Things that are guaranteed to make me mad angry...
1.Lack of manners
2.Lack of concern for others
4.Not speaking up and therefore censoring myself

Well this morning I had the misfortune to come across a 'person' (certainly no bloody lady) who encompassed all of the first 3 listed above and made me so angry that I committed number 4 and was stunned into silence.

Tall elegant and quite well dressed, her looks completely contradicted her shocking habits, the 'woman' in question got on the bus this morning and sat on the seat immediately in front of and below my seat.

She of course, during rush hour, sat in the outer seat and spread her belongings out on the other, thus taking up two seats. (see No.s 1 & 2)
She then proceeded to go through the entire contents of her handbag and find every receipt, piece of paper or other random rubbish and ball it up then throw it on the floor (see No.3 & my pic above) She threw 9 items on the floor in total and with every one I got angrier and angrier staring right at her as she carried on oblivious.
She of course refused to move when someone asked for a seat then started to roll a cigarette - it honestly wouldn't have surprised me if she'd started smoking it there and then on the lower deck of the bus!

By this point I was so angry at her that I couldn't say anything to her for fear of swearing.
Finally after one last check through her bag for any more rubbish, she stood up and as she got off the bus shouted 'thank you' to the driver (I was agog at that - all hope not lost apparently!)

Of course her final act as she hit the pavement was to ball up her bus ticket and throw that on the ground too.

I don't think I've ever seen such a horrible person with such complete disregard for the poor bus cleaner that would have to tidy up her crap.
And the thing is that, because she rendered me speechless she probably has no idea what a slovenly, selfish, shameful character she is.

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