Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Reflecting on our reflection

Having a bad photo day today. I'd planned something light and funny to make up for yesterday's blip, but photos just weren't working the way I wanted them to. From over 80 photos, this is the only one I kept. Not so much because it's a good photo, but because it makes me think of a friend of mine. Yep, today's post is still going to be lighter than yesterday's, despite my disappointment.

I've only known said friend since November last year. Instant awesomeness with him. The night we met was purely by chance. I was out with a mutual friend, and that mutual friend was catching up with him before he buggered off to America for a year. He and I found a connection straight away. The morning after the night before wasn't a nice one. November brings monsoonal type rains to Melbourne, and it was definitely not how I planned to wake up after a big night of fun and entirely too much dancing. We braved the rain, and mid-shin deep puddles, and continued bonding as we had to catch the same train to our respective destinations, knowing he would be leaving in a few days. We caught up again the day before he left, and it was very clear that what we had would be a very special friendship, if we stuck at it in his physical absence.

All I can say is... THANK GOD FOR FACEBOOK!!!

Many conversations and emails have been had, and we continue to grow. Few people could boast having such a strong friendship under these circumstances. The more we talk, the more we amaze ourselves at just how in sync we are. We think the same. If we're on MSN or facebook chat, we will say the same thing at the same time. We vent to each other after a crappy day, and do not pass judgment. We comfort each other.

I'm at a stage of really missing him. There was the initial ?oh, this is a bit sad. Make a friend, and he leaves? stage. But I REALLY miss him now. Particularly after a strange thing happened a few days ago. I was listening to music, and a song by a band that we both like ('Perception Twin' by The Butterfly Effect) started playing, it's title accurately describes us. Just after the song started, I went to my facebook inbox, and what was sent at that moment? A message from him. That is a little spooky. But, not entirely surprising to us.

So, this photo... It makes me think of my friend because while physically we look different, we are an almost perfect reflection of each other in so many other ways.
This is my left hand against a mirror... Because of the angle I took it at, it's not a perfect mirror image. But, still the same. Just like us. And I'll hold onto that until the day he gets back and I can give him a great big 'mum'hug.

"Opposite sides of the coin,
Try both sides.
I'm yours, you're mine."
~ Perception Twin - The Butterfly Effect.

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