The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Glastonbury Tor sunset

We were readying ourselves for an early start tomorrow, but the sunset could not be ignored. Ally very kindly drove me out into the countryside to catch the Tor in the sunset. It will be a lovely memory of our Glastonbury holiday and has topped off the week nicely.

The day started with a bit of a poor descision. Going to a Cider farm at 10 00hrs and tasting their wares, may have been a bad move. Poor Ally was driving and didn't partake, so I had to chose a personal blend myself. Shame really :-)

We also managed to buy 1litre of their Perry, Pear and Ginger chutney and some mature Cheddar.

We headed off to Yeovil for lunch and I found a very special ring that I had wanted for a wee while. It's a silver fork ring.

Ally bought it for me. I know he is far too good to me

I owe him a watch.

Pressure may be on now.

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